Chilling Ecquipment, Page 2


protiproudovy chladic
€86,46 –39 %
Counterflow Chiller
Not available at the moment
Code: KL02035
Was: €86,46  (–39 %)
Chiller robobrew
Stainless Steel Immersion Chiller 35l
In stock (>10 pcs)
Code: KL04787
VZ HBDC81 deskovy chladic mladiny 40 desek
40 Plate Wort Chiller MINI
In stock (>10 pcs)
Code: KL01978
VZ HBDC81 deskovy chladic mladiny 40 desek
50 Plate Wort Chiller MINI
In stock (6 pcs)
Code: KL01979
deskovy chladic mladiny swep
40 Plate Wort Chiller SWEP
10 working days
Code: B428040
Stainless Steel Immersion Chiller 65l
In stock (8 pcs)
Code: KL09614
deskovy chladic 30 desek
30 Plate Wort Chiller
In stock (1 pcs)
Code: KL21234
KL13499 icemaster glycol g40 4xdigitalni pumpa
Fermentation Glycol Chiller IceMaster G40
In stock (1 pcs)
Code: KL13499
deskovy chladic mladiny swep
30 Plate Wort Chiller SWEP
In stock (2 pcs)
Code: B428030
Chl. smyčka vnitřní pro AS-40 - kompletní (2x 8m)
Cooling Coil AS-40 (2x8m)
5 working days
Code: POL02716
50 items total
protiproudovy chladic nerez

Counterflow Chiller STAINLESS STEEL

Code: KL08747
kl04701 cast aluminium cold plate 2 circuit angle
Cast Aluminum Cold Plate
In stock (>10 pcs)

2 Product Line - Cast Aluminum Cold Plate

Code: KL04701
Chl. smyčka vnitřní pro AS-110 - kompletní (2x11m)

This internal cooling loop is designed for use with AS-80 and AS-110 models, providing efficient beverage cooling with dual 11-meter loops.

Code: POL02763
Lindr as 40 glycol 2 digitalni termostat rizene kvaseni

AS-40 GLYCOL NEW GREEN LINE is a water chiller designed for cooling fermentation vessels that require precise temperature control.

Code: VCH02348
KL04114 kegland glycol g40
€664,66 –7 %

Icemaster G40.1 Icebank with Digital Control

Code: KL04114
Chlazení na pivo CWP 300 Green Line mobilní, stojan 2xkohout
CWP 300 mobil 2x tap
Not available at the moment
€1 960,17

The mobility of models from the CWP MOBIL GREEN LINE series allows the coolers to be fitted with dispense tower with an advertising medallion and drip tray, for use at larger...

Code: CWP00485
Chlazení na pivo CWP 300 Green Line 8xsmyčka + rychlospojky
CWP 300 8x Coils NEW
Not available at the moment
€1 465,04

The CWP 300 GREEN LINE undercounter cooler is a professional device combining the advantages of contact and water coolers by using direct evaporator energy to cool the beverage...

Code: CWP00487
Chlazení na pivo CWP 300 Green Line 4xsmyčka + rychlospojky
CWP 300 4x Coils NEW
Not available at the moment
€1 466,56

The CWP 300 GREEN LINE undercounter cooler is a professional device combining the advantages of contact and water coolers by using direct evaporator energy to cool the beverage...

Code: CWP00484
Chlazení na pivo CWP 300 Green Line 6xsmyčka + rychlospojky
CWP 300 6x Coils NEW
Not available at the moment
€1 535,24

The CWP 300 GREEN LINE undercounter cooler is a professional device combining the advantages of contact and water coolers by using direct evaporator energy to cool the beverage...

Code: CWP00486
Chlazení na pivo AS-200 Green Line 6xchl.smyčka + rychlospojky
€1 309,95

The AS-200 6x Coil New Green Line beer cooler is a high-performance cooling unit, perfect for large-scale beverage dispensing in commercial settings like bars, restaurants, and...

Code: VCH02286
Chlazení na pivo AS-110 INOX Tropical 6xchl.smyčka + rychlospojky
€1 159,25

The AS-110 INOX Tropical Green Line under-counter water cooler with six cooling loops is ideal for medium-sized pubs, restaurants, beer festivals, and larger events.

Code: VCH02337
Chlazení na pivo AS-110 INOX Tropical 4xchl.smyčka + rychlospojky
€1 110,41

The AS-110 INOX Tropical 4x Loop Green Line under-counter water cooler is ideal for medium-sized pubs, restaurants, beer festivals, and larger events.

Code: VCH02296
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