Fermentation, Page 8


kl16957 floating dip tube filter
Floating Dip Tube Filter
In stock (>10 pcs)
Code: KL16957
0054 Kvasná zátka 3 komorová
Airlock, 3-Piece
In stock (>10 pcs)
Code: KL01595
fermzilla 55l gen.3.2
€113,81 –5 %
FermZilla 55l kit GEN 3.2 Clamp NEW
In stock (>10 pcs)
Code: KL25904
Was: €113,81  (–5 %)
FermZilla Plasticic Pressure Kit
In stock (>10 pcs)
Code: KB02113
HB KL09241 Fermzilla plovak s hadici
80cm Silicone Dip Tube Kit with Float
In stock (>10 pcs)
Code: KL14076
0085 Těsnění kvasné zátky
Rubber Grommet
In stock (>10 pcs)
Code: KL01625
HB misc00 silikonová hadice
100cm Silicone Dip Tube
Předpokládané naskladnění: 19.02.2025
Code: KL39642
KL27144 tlakovaci sada polykeg
PolyKeg Pressure Kit
In stock (>10 pcs)
Code: KL27144
FermZilla tlakovací sada
FermZilla Stainless Steel Pressure Kit
In stock (>10 pcs)
Code: KB01609
pojistny ventil cerveny
89 items total
kegmenter 118l. 1
€292,42 –18 %
Unitank Kegmenter 118l
In stock (>10 pcs)

Stainless steel fermenter for natural carbonation or pressure with additional pressure kit.

Code: KL21241
kegmenter 118l 2x clamp otvor

Stainless steel fermenter for natural carbonation or pressure with additional pressure kit.

Code: KL04541
kl05906 kegmenter 29l 1
Unitank Kegmenter 29l
In stock (>10 pcs)

Stainless steel fermenter for natural carbonation or pressure with additional pressure kit.

Code: KL05906
kl04541 kegmenter 118l 3
Unitank Kegmenter 58l
In stock (10 pcs)

Stainless steel fermenter for natural carbonation or pressure with additional pressure kit.

Code: KL04572
KL32711 fermzilla limecek klapkoveho ventilu 91mm(3)
Cooming Soon
Upgrade Collar for FermZilla Gen 3 to Gen 3.2
Předpokládané naskladnění: 19.02.2025

This collar enables an easy transition from the original 64mm butterfly valve to the new 91mm version, compatible with the 600ml collection bottle and Tri-Clover clamps.

Code: KL32711

Splátková kalkulačka ESSOX